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Live the Music Foundation is pleased to offer a number of music scholarships throughout the year. To apply for a scholarship, complete and submit this application. All fields are required. Scholarships are available to students of all ages, backgrounds, and experience in music.

Currently, The Live The Music Foundation is offering the following scholarship opportunities:

1. The Detroit School of Rock and Pop Music – Partial Scholarship for their Private Mentorship Program

2. The Detroit School of Rock and Pop Music – Partial Scholarship for their Band Production Program



Scholarships are available to students of all ages and backgrounds that seek to pursue education in contemporary music. Students are asked to describe their motivation and need. The grant committee of the Board of Trustees will review each application and approve or decline funds.

The amount of each scholarship will vary depending on need, but typically would be between $50 and $150 per month for a period of time (3 months, 6 months, etc.)

The criteria for determining eligibility in the scholarship program include demonstration of need, participation in a contemporary music program of study, and demonstrated desire to help one’s self prior to help from the program.

The specific criteria used to select recipients in the scholarship program will be to select individuals who demonstrate the greatest motivation to take their studies seriously and to use the talents and skills attained in the process to help their communities and society at large.

The number of grants made annually will be determined by the Board of Trustees at each January meeting after a review of the funds available to the program.

Every recipient will receive at least a $50 per month scholarship. For those recipients demonstrating the most motivation to learn awards could be as high as $150 per month.

Requirements of the scholarship program will include a “check in” letter from the recipient each 3 months with a description of their attendance and progress. They must also maintain acceptable attendance at the music program of choice.

The funds will not be given to the individual recipient, but to the institution/teacher where they are studying music. They must be a student in good standing at the institution. Institutions/teachers seeking scholarships from the program will be required to attend a Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees every six months to provide an accounting of the progress of students receiving scholarships.

If the student does not perform under the terms of their scholarship, the award will be withdrawn and they will be removed from the scholarship program. They will forfeit their access to further support and be banned from receiving support in the future.

If selected, you will be required to send a “check in” letter to the review board every three months describing your progress and activities. Failure to submit your “check in” letter will result in your removal from the scholarship program.











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     Email: (required)


     Email: Confirmation (required)


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     Scholarship applying for:


     School and Grade Level: (If Applicable)


     Number of Years and Types of Music Experience:


     What does the experience of playing music mean to you?


     What do you hope to gain by participating in this program?


     Describe your current financial situation and explain how a scholarship will be beneficial to you.


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     Please enter letters as seen above.